Hey! I am Evgeniya Mudretsova, but it's so difficult to write and I usually sign my works as Eva Zuy.
I am a beginner UX-designer. It's very exciting.
A long time ago, when I studied and worked as an economist, design seemed to me something not serious, just a beautiful picture or a visual puzzle.
Over time, I realized that the visual is just the tip of the iceberg, and behind a good design project lies a lot of work on research, design, testing. Only by going through all the stages and putting the user, his goals and experiences in the first place, you can make an excellent product.
UX-design allows me to combine the knowledge and experience of my past work, my passion for drawing and photography, my desire to develop and do something good for other people.
Unfortunately, my English is not very good yet, but someday I will fix it.